Beech Class Term 1/2 2020-21
Dear Parents,
Welcome back and welcome to Beech if your child is in Reception. I hope you all had a lovely summer and have now settled back into the routine of a school week.
This term we have P.E on a Monday and Friday for Year 1 and Friday for Reception. The children are currently being asked to wear their P.E kit into school on these days along with joggers and a sweater to keep them warm in class and outside. Thanks.
Our class theme is ‘Me and My Community’, your child will learn about the school community and building friendships. They will explore the school grounds and find out about all the people in school who are there to help them. They will explore how they are special and unique and how everyone’s family is different. They will take part in practical activities to support them to build new friendships and explore what makes a good friend. They will also find out about people in the community who help us, including doctors, nurses, and the emergency services.
This year I am supported by Mrs Rumsey and Mrs Atherden . Mrs Fordham is also in class on a Tuesday afternoon. The children from Beech are now eating their lunches in the hall, but all other children are eating in their classrooms. Please be aware that due to the Covid 19 restrictions, any messages or other notices that I have for you will either come via Studybugs or e-mail.
The Parent Teacher Consultations will soon be upon us, but in the meantime, if you have any issues please do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible to arrange a time to meet, socially distanced of course.
Mrs Su Black