Welcome to Oak class area of the website. Here you will find all the information you require to support your child in Oak class this term. Oak class is our Lower Key Stage two class and consists of Year 3 and Year 4 pupils. Mrs Smith teaches on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs McGain teaches from Wednesday to Friday. The Learning Support Assistants across the week are Mrs Darville and Miss Huggett.
Oak Class will be enjoying Swimming in term 3 and Forest School in term 4 on a Wednesday. There will be a further PE lesson on a Friday, we ask you to leave PE kit in school all week.
Reading books can be changed each day or when required as soon as your child comes into school in the morning. Library books can also be changed each week on a Friday during our Library time.
Please remember that if your child has read aloud to a grown-up at home, three times or more each week, they will be given a raffle ticket in return for their efforts, plus a house point for each day they have read. The raffle is drawn each week during our Pride of Punnetts Town Celebration Assembly and a winner can choose a brand-new book or stationary item to enjoy! It really does make a difference to their reading fluency if they practice little (or lots!) and often. Please also support your child at home to learn their times tables, using their multiplication booklets. We teach multiplication facts to the children in school to ensure children know all of their times tables and we urge you to practice and reenforce this practice at home. There are further opportunities for home learning on the sheet below. Thank you for your support.